Learn English Online
2023 update: All of our group English classes have returned to face to face in Dublin. If you would like to study online, you can book one-to-one lessons.
Much of the world has been in lockdown for some weeks now. Being at home has become the new normal, and many of us are finding ourselves with more time on our hands than we have had before. Many people, from all around the world are now starting to ask themselves – what should I do with this time? How can I challenge myself during this time? What can I do to improve my skills so that I am in a better position when things return to normal? Why not use this time to improve your English online?
How can I learn English online?
At Everest Language School we have years of experience of teaching English to students from all around the world. The arrival of Covid-19 into our lives presented a new challenge to us. With the restrictions on movement and gatherings of people, we moved our English school online.
We faced the challenge of designing the best online English course possible. For us the most important factor in successful language learning is authentic communication, we asked ourselves how can we best achieve this online? Our goal was to make our online English school as similar as possible to our physical school. We needed to create a virtual online classroom where the students have a real teacher who is speaking to them, answering their questions and directing activities that encourage meaningful communication. We needed students to feel free speaking English online in the same way that they felt free when speaking English in our school.
What is the best online English course?
At first we spent a lot of time with our team of teachers sharing and developing ideas about how we can teach and learn English grammar online, how we can present and learn reading and writing skills online and over time we improved and developed our online language learning platform. We have made it easy for our teachers to share files and materials with their students and for students to submit homework and assignments to be graded by their teachers. For us it was really important to maintain the bond between teacher and student and to make sure that this relationship is meaningful and real. Our students have a combination of virtual classroom online learning where their course is live online with their teacher and self-study where they complete exercises and tests independently. The online English classes have the same atmosphere as the classes in the physical school had before.
How can I improve my English online?
We have had many questions from students who wonder is it possible to learn English online? If my English is at a very basic level can I improve my English level online? And what is the process, how can I start to learn English online? From our experience we have seen students make incredible progress online over the past few weeks – even those students who started with a very basic level. If a student wants to study English online with us the first thing is to ask the student to take our online level test. This gives us an initial indication of the level of the student. Before a student starts their online English course with Everest they will do a 10 minute one to one video call with our Director of Studies. During this call their level will be further assessed and their motivation and language learning goals will be discussed. The Director of Studies will then make sure that the student is assigned to the correct level class. At Everest we have all level classes available online -from elementary to advanced. The student then joins their live class and meets their teacher and their classmates. And the adventure begins!
Where can I find free online English resources?
At Everest we know that learning English can be challenging and we are taking this opportunity to develop additional support and materials for our students who are learning English online. We are currently building additional video resources and quizzes and offering these resources to our students who are learning English online for free. Students are fully supported all the way through their online English course, our office is open and our admin team responds to all emails quickly.
So now is the best time to take the first step, no matter what your learning goals or motivations may be, Everest can help you to improve your English online.