IELTS Writing Correction Service

IELTS Writing Correction Service

IELTS Writing Correction Service

IELTS Writing Evaluation Service

IELTS writing tutorials and essay correction from expert IELTS teachers

How does the IELTS writing correction service work?

IELTS writing correction service : Choose any IELTS writing task from your books or online. Send us a typed writing along with the question and we will correct it. Your writing assignment will be given to one of our professional IELTS teachers and they will use the IELTS marking scheme and band descriptors to give you an accurate estimate of the level of the writing. They will also give you tips on where you can improve you writing. Please remember that the marks that we give are not official IELTS marks, they are estimates from experienced IELTS teachers. You can send your writings to our online correction service today to see what mark you can expect in your IELTS test.

What is included in the IELTS correction service?

You will receive a detailed report on your writing. The teacher who corrects your IELTS writing will use the official IELTS Band Descriptors, and will mark you on the four areas (explained below). Additionally, they will look at specific areas of grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc, where you need to improve. They will give you specific advice on how to improve your IELTS writing score. You will be send a PDF report with all of this feedback. You will receive similar feedback that a teacher would give you in an IELTS writing tutorial, but for a fraction of the price.

How are IELTS writing tasks 1 & 2 marked?

All sections of the IELTS exam are scored on the ‘9 band’ scoring system. You can also get .5 scores such as 5.5 or 7.5. In the IELTS writing task 1 you will be asked to describe various details or explain data you have been shown in form of a graph, table, chart or diagram. Whereas, in writing task 2 you will be asked to write a response to an opinion piece, argument or problem.

Writing Tasks 1 and 2 are marked on this system and there are 4 main areas that you will be marked on, these areas are categorised into ‘band descriptors’:

IELTS Writing Correction Service

IELTS writing marking scheme

1. Task Achievement

IELTS correction for task achievement looks at how well you understood the task you have been given. This means you must cover all of the tasks asked of you.

For example, if you are presented with a graph that shows an increase in birth rates in the past ten years in Ireland, in order to get the highest marks, you must be able to present, highlight and illustrate key features clearly and show a clear understanding of what you have been asked to do. IELTS examiners will be searching for clear and concise bullet points or paragraphs and will want to be sure you covered all features and answered all the questions.

Misunderstanding of and failure to address the task will result in a low band score. So you should always carefully read the question!

In writing task 2, as it is generally asking for your opinion, you must present a clear argument throughout with supporting ideas that closely focus on the topic you are writing about.

2. Coherence and Cohesion

IELTS examiners will also be scoring you on your coherence and cohesion when correcting your IELTS writing. This basically means how much they can understand your writing and how well-presented your ideas are, such as the flow of sentences and paragraphs from one to another. 

They will be checking that you are not under or over using paragraphs. In your IELTS writing task 1, you will need to sequence information in a logical and clear way. In task 2, you will need to showcase a clear beginning, progression and conclusion throughout your writing.

Your ideas need to be organised logically. Making abrupt changes to the topic you are writing about or writing about unrelated topics will result in a poor band score.

3. Lexical Resource

Lexical resource refers to your ability to use a wide range of vocabulary, your ability to use it correctly and also your spelling.

You will be marked higher by the IELTS examiner if you use less commonly used vocabulary, but make sure you use it correctly! In the blog posts linked below you will find some advanced IELTS writing vocabulary.

4. Grammatical Range and Accuracy

The IELTS Examiner will also be checking to make sure your grammar is accurate! This means using your tenses correctly i.e. past, present and future etc. To get a higher band score you will be expected to be using more advanced grammatical structures such as relatives clauses, passive voice and conditional sentences. 

Sample IELTS correction report

from our IELTS Writing Correction Service

Student: Alison Da Silva
Ref: Ali 1.6
Task 1
       Overall Mark: 7 Overall Comments: Better use of articles and prepositions with very few grammatical errors or spelling mistakes.This is almost error-free, only errors occurring are with regard to relative pronouns and prepositions.Keep focusing on relative pronouns, articles and prepositions.
How to improve: Review the basics of relative clauses and relative prepositions. Using complex relative clauses is only useful if they are correct. Remember to stay completely focused on the task. You should spend some time reading and rereading the questions before you start writing. As you plan and write your essay, make sure you are always referring back to the key aspects of the question.
Task Achievement 6.0 Presents an overview with information appropriately selected
Coherence and Cohesion 8.0 Manages all aspects of cohesion well
Lexical Resource 8.0 Produces rare errors in spelling and/or word formation
Grammatical Range and Accuracy 7.0 Produces frequent error-free sentences

Additional Resources

The reason we started this IELTS writing correction service is that any students find the writing tasks to be the most difficult aspect of the IELTS exam, but there are plenty of great resources online and in the classroom to help you get the best result you can in your IELTS writing tasks!

In addition to the IELTS writing correction service, Everest Language School has some great blogs with tips on getting higher marks in the IELTS writing tasks and even some sample answers! Please see a list of these blogs below:

  1. IELTS Task 1 Sample Answer

This blog is written by two of our very own past students of our IELTS Preparation Courses. It is sample answer of task 1 which shows a pie chart, which is a typical graphic you might be shown.

It gives you tips on varying your language when writing, and what phrases you might use to maximise your band score. The blog explains the score the students got and why they got it, and the areas they need to improve on. This blog is helpful to give you an idea of what you will be presented with in task 1 and is great for showing you where the students went wrong and where they excelled.

If you’re looking for the perfect model answer with no flaws at all and that will get you an (estimated) IELTS band score of 9, just follow this link – IELTS Task 1 Band 9. The sample answer is provided for you, and then broken down in detail as to why it is a band 9 score answer so you can see for yourself what you should be aiming for!

We have another great blog that helps prepare you for task one and the processes you should follow, but this time is a flow chart, rather than a pie chart. It gives you great tips and examples of essential grammar, key vocabulary and sentence structuring! – IELTS Task 1 Processes

  1. IELTS Task 2 Sample Answer

Similar to the first blog, this is another example of a writing task, except this one is for task 2! This blog focuses on discussing both sides of an argument and then giving your own opinion. It gives you great examples of how to paraphrase and restructure sentences that will make your writing task 2 answer stand out to the examiner! We have another great blog that focuses entirely on paraphrasing also

Another great way to prepare for writing exams is checking out tutorials on Youtube. Below are the 4 best IELTS writing Youtube videos.

Task 1:

IELTS – How to get a high score on Task 1 of the IELTS

IELTS Writing Task 1 – What to write!

Task 2:

IELTS Writing Task 2 – How to write an Introduction

IELTS Task 2 – How to score 8+

There are thousands more online to choose from, and the majority are only 15 minutes, so there is no excuse. IELTS essays are generally considered the most difficult part of the exam. Getting online IELTS correction, IELTS writing tutorials, reading blog posts about IELTS writing and watching videos will all help you. But the most important thing is to practice a lot and always get a teacher to check your IELTS writing. The worst thing that you can do is to practice writing, but get no feedback.




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