How Everest Language School Bucks the Trend
buck the trend
– to be obviously different from the way that a situation is developing generally, especially in connection with financial matters:
This company is the only one to have bucked the trend of a declining industry.
“Everest Language School promises a new approach to language learning, incorporating psychological research”
We are very happy to share with you that Ireland’s leading business newspaper The Sunday Business Post did a feature on Everest Language School. This hasn’t been a good year for English Schools in Dublin. There were a lot of schools operating in illegal ways in order to make quick money. Everest Language School will “buck this trend” by being Dublin’s only school run entirely by teachers. Directors Maria Lago and Rob McComish have over a decade of combined teaching experience and Anne-Marie Connolly is currently completing a PhD in Trinity College Dublin. Anne-Marie is writing her doctorate thesis on the cognitive effects of learning a second language as an adult.
Our focus is always on providing the highest standard of teaching to give our students the best possible experience.