Everest Language School has a new podcast to help you to learn English!
Episode 1 – Uses of ‘Get’
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In Episode 1, Conor talks about the weather. Here is some vocabulary that he uses:
Bucketing down
Pissing rain
Lashing rain
Conor uses a lot of phrases with ‘get’.
Here are some of the basic meanings of the ‘get’ phrases that you will hear:
Expressions with ‘get’
1/ I got some great Christmas presents this year. (receive)
2a/ Those shoes are lovely, where did you get them? (buy/find)
2b/ I’m trying to get a new apartment at the moment (buy/find)
3/ When did you get here? (arrive/reach)
4/ Do you get what I mean? (understand)
5/ Would you get my shoes? (fetch)
6/ Get the train (take public transport)
Get + adjective = become.
E.g. It’s getting hot, I’m getting tired
when you jump in the river you get really cold
as we were getting closer
Get + past participle
E.g. Get + married / divorced / engaged
Get (un)dressed / changed / lost / fired / hired
Phrasal Verbs with ‘get’
Get up in the morning
Get on well with somebody
Get away from a place
Conor also mentions Nouveaunoise music. You can listen to them here: https://nouveaunoise.bandcamp.com
We hope that you enjoy listening to Episode 1!